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League of Legends (LOL) has been an incredibly successful game for years now, and part of its success is due to its huge array of peculiar heroes. Unfortunately, not all heroes are as great as others, and some can even be considered downright terrible. Here are the 10 worst heroes in LOL:

1. Yone:

Yone was released as an assassin, but his kit was so weak that he was immediately labeled as a weak hero by professional players. Despite this, he remains in the game and is generally considered the worst hero in the game. 2. Malzahar:

Malzahar was a mage that had huge potential, but his ultimate and his kit design make him incredibly hard to play. His ultimate takes too long to cast and his spells have very slow casting animations, making him almost impossible to use effectively in mid- to late-game fights. 3. Cho’gath:

Cho’gath is a tank hero with an incredibly long animation time on his abilities and a very slow movement speed. This makes him almost useless in fights and he can barely compete with the other tank heroes. 4. Gangplank:

Gangplank was once a strong hero, but changes to the game have made him a very weak hero. His kit is almost completely out of the meta and some of his abilities have a ridiculously long cooldown time. 5. Nasus:

Nasus has one of the most annoying kit designs, as his only real strength is farming minions with his Siphoning Strike ability. This can lead to games of Nasus simply farming the entire game, which can be incredibly boring for his team. 6. Irelia:

Irelia is generally considered to be one of the weakest heroes in LOL. Her kit is incredibly weak and her mobility is very limited, making her almost useless in team fights. 7. Dr. Mundo:

Dr. Mundo is a tank hero with a lot of potential but he is incredibly difficult to play. His kit is clunky and he has no real crowd control abilities, making him very hard to play in teamfights. 8. Lux:

Lux is a mage that has been falling out of the meta for some time now. Although her kit is okay, she has difficulty reliably keeping enemies away from her and her abilities have very slow casting times. 9. Sona:

Sona is a support hero with incredibly weak damage output and slow movement speed. She basically has no way of defending herself and can be very easily killed in teamfights. 10. Teemo:

Teemo is an incredibly annoying hero that is often the target of jokes from players. He has a few useful abilities, but they are very weak and his ease of killing makes him very hard to play in competitive matches.



